Sons of Amvets


Sons of AMVETS is a nationwide service organization comprised of male descendants of American veterans. As part of the AMVETS family we are united in service and dedicated to improve quality of life, advocate legislation for increased benefits and care, provide and support charitable assistance to veterans, their families, and community.

As a Son, any service that a member performs for a veteran, community, the Post, or any civic organization may be reported to the Sons’ 2nd VP, Brian Flanders. These contributions help the entire AMVETS organization with leverage on policy matters in DC and give us a larger platform to help more veterans nationally.  Please report any service hours and mileage to Brian at 910-228-0624.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility for membership in the Sons of AMVETS shall be limited to all male descendants, grandsons, adopted sons and stepsons, fathers, husbands, widowers, and brothers of members of AMVETS and the deceased members of AMVETS, or the personnel who died and would have been eligible for membership in the parent organization, and are at least eighteen (18) years of age and is not eligible for membership in the parent organization. This is not to include in-laws of any type.


Sons of AMVETS

Commander:  Bobby Quayle

1st Vice:   Mike Cline

2nd Vice:  Mike Payne

3rd Vice:  Marshall Edens

Judge Adv:  Gary Slone

Adjutant:   Charlie Harris

Finance Officer:  Ron Bowman

Prov Marshall:  Dan Rozzo

Chaplain:  Kim Ardrey

Public Relations:  Mell Voll